Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Sunday, January 3, 2010

3rd jan 2010

ok so we r now in the new year...
our minds, diarys full of new years resolutions...
a few trying to say dat i resolve to follow m resolutions ets...nice n fun..
but this blog aint about new year or about's the story
well just yeasterday i went t watch 3 idiots... a supposed engineers story..
ask ne1 around you all say its a "must watch".. majority find it funny, hillarious n a mazing
have you ever tried to look through the clouds of humor n music to the actual stor hidden beneath it..
i dont know how many of u out there have my mind set but i dont thing i can watch the movie again..
for me the movie was heart touching.. not in the least was more of a lesson than a comedy...u migt remember amirkhan and all the things he did.
do u remember the guy named JOY???
JOY was the only part of the movie i remember..all else is just fog to me..
the way that project of his...his surprise to b reaches his window n only to find he can never use it...
just a request to all who decide to do such a thing to demselves..try to think before u act..
thing of all the people who really matter...u not graduating may make them feel horrid for a few days or maybe a few years but all bad things come to an end...sadness is always followed by happiness...everything that has a begining has an end..
please live on for the greater good..if not for others please live for urself..
there is always some1 who needs you
if not now te definately some day...but uv gotta b there to meet them...n uve gotta survive to bring them n urselves the complete happiness sought..

1 comment:

  1. Buddy the Reality is that onli......and all are not brave...some give up to the circumstances some live through it..... But Yeah u said the right thing....

    "Live on......Someone out there ALWAYS DO need ur presence "
