Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Saturday, January 23, 2010

23 jan 2010 morning

dearest sister,
you should know how lucky i feel to have you, you are the reason i feel special.. you r the reason i feel complete..they way you take care of me.. the way you always have time for me, how you help me when im sad, how you tell me on my face when i look bad.. all the moments we've shared...all the stories..all the laughter, the you were always there to save my laugh at my silly jokes n tell me when m a when i was low you were there to lecture me on my wrongs n you always took my side infront of some1 else even when i was matter how much i got scolded back at home..
all the moments we spent together since childhood, we completed each other's sentences..we had fights, had war's but always... we've always held our hearts as one..
you've always known me inside out..same as i have you..
never any secrets no hidden corners..since we were small we could never be broken..we had our own lives but when we were together all we had was each never changed..
no1 else could share this perfect bond that we share..this perfect relationship..
as we grow older..we grow more n more closer..we go to different schools but when we come back all we need is each've been the perfect elder sister iv ever dreamed of..
letting me learn where im supposed to n always tellin me my opitons...lettin me fall if i have to but always being there to pull me up again..tellin me the outcome when i cant decide n believing in me to take the right decision...having that complete trust in me that i can do no wrong...which is what's made me ME today..
we reach our teens and start keeping secrets from our parents but i can always believe that i can tell you anything...anything at all and know that you wont judge me..n will forgive me for my mistakes..i never found a reason to lie to you cuz i know how bad you'd feel n i can never make you feel that way.. you always hear me out...tell me wen im wrong n dont stop me from doing what i like, no matter the consequences..though you already know my decision n you've already made your point clear...
You always have my back when we were to b scolded..always protecting dear sister...i love you for being such a perfect being in my life...
now that im in college n you r so far away..we both have our own lives to live but i know that when any of us need a shoulder...we'll always be there for each other cuz this bond can never break..this bond is made of gold and diamonds.. we'll always be connected in the heart..never apart..
thankyou for being mine..
since the very start of my time
you've helped me live..
i love you
your lil sis..

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