Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2005-2006 He Never Knew I loved

//ok again this one is from pretty long back n not even written for me...this one i wrote for my sister about the guy she was crazy on..
hope u like it

Sounds alight my lonely mind
As I lay listening to them play..
the one I loved with the one I hate,
Played with pomp and gay.

He didn’t know I loved him,
She knew my love was true,
And so she tried and held him,
All the long night through.

He didn’t know I wanted,
Our friendship to bloom,
And then she came and pricked it,
And burst my dream balloon.

She never was anything,
Not charming or loving,
But when it came to stealing,
She was already seen coming.

I knew not what she got,
By stealing from me my life..
And then the day came,
When she became his wife.

He was all I ever wanted,
The life in me was lost,
My soul now in pieces,
As my love lay between her mast.

And now all I see,
is him in her arms,
But I know that as the time goes by ,
she will loose her charms.

He is now old,
And so as old am I,
But just to tell him that I had loved,
I could never try…

Now in the coffin there he is laid,
His face alight like the moon,
As I know now finally I smile,
That ill be with him when my time comes soon…

//love u sis..
self composed

Saturday, January 23, 2010

23 jan 2010 morning

dearest sister,
you should know how lucky i feel to have you, you are the reason i feel special.. you r the reason i feel complete..they way you take care of me.. the way you always have time for me, how you help me when im sad, how you tell me on my face when i look bad.. all the moments we've shared...all the stories..all the laughter, the you were always there to save my laugh at my silly jokes n tell me when m a when i was low you were there to lecture me on my wrongs n you always took my side infront of some1 else even when i was matter how much i got scolded back at home..
all the moments we spent together since childhood, we completed each other's sentences..we had fights, had war's but always... we've always held our hearts as one..
you've always known me inside out..same as i have you..
never any secrets no hidden corners..since we were small we could never be broken..we had our own lives but when we were together all we had was each never changed..
no1 else could share this perfect bond that we share..this perfect relationship..
as we grow older..we grow more n more closer..we go to different schools but when we come back all we need is each've been the perfect elder sister iv ever dreamed of..
letting me learn where im supposed to n always tellin me my opitons...lettin me fall if i have to but always being there to pull me up again..tellin me the outcome when i cant decide n believing in me to take the right decision...having that complete trust in me that i can do no wrong...which is what's made me ME today..
we reach our teens and start keeping secrets from our parents but i can always believe that i can tell you anything...anything at all and know that you wont judge me..n will forgive me for my mistakes..i never found a reason to lie to you cuz i know how bad you'd feel n i can never make you feel that way.. you always hear me out...tell me wen im wrong n dont stop me from doing what i like, no matter the consequences..though you already know my decision n you've already made your point clear...
You always have my back when we were to b scolded..always protecting dear sister...i love you for being such a perfect being in my life...
now that im in college n you r so far away..we both have our own lives to live but i know that when any of us need a shoulder...we'll always be there for each other cuz this bond can never break..this bond is made of gold and diamonds.. we'll always be connected in the heart..never apart..
thankyou for being mine..
since the very start of my time
you've helped me live..
i love you
your lil sis..

Thursday, January 21, 2010

21 jan 2010


ever lost an eraser, a pen, a notebuk, your favourite lipgloss, your private diary, your personal phone, something thats only yours..

all of you must have ..everyone has lost something, misplaced these things..ever thought about how it feels when your favourite thing is LOST.. something that is just not cuming back to you be it anything...the feeling of helplessness..the tension of who has it..a horror..

den i suppose you can guess how much more terrible it is to loose a friend???

and how about when you actually want them to leave for their own good...just so that they can holdup their heads in public..what if ur a disgrace of a friend to them??...what if your just not worth being a friend...what if the friendship you treasure is a real sacrifice on their part..

you try to make it easier for not being what they want you to b...but all your doing is pushin them away..but what if thats the right thing to do...what if thats the thing that was supposed to happen?..

i guess letting go is the only thing worth doin in dis situation...but what if ur selfish enough to not want to do that?..what if you just dont ever want to let dem go...can you actually want dem to suffer so much ?...isnt friendship supposed to b about give n take?...

isnt it about trust?...

wat if u put all your trust in that person that they'll live up to what they say to you..and then just to be able to stand up to that they r a mocking stock for all the world?? can a person be soo deeply hurt that they r not able to defend themselves? not able to find a retort good enough to say back to all the fool's out there who dont understand them...

but then what if all you were doing was a pretense of friendship?? what if you really have no idea about what friendship actually is??what if your the real reason that person is sufferin so much...what if its you cuz of whom they r not able t c ne1 in the eye's!!...

loosin a friend is so hard..

but if the friendship was a pretense then y is it so hard to get over??
but the truth still stands letting a friend go, for the sake of matter how much they hate you for it...nomatter how hard it is on you...IS the right thing to do..


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

19 jan 2010

getting to know oneself
can a person b absolutely self less n ask for no gain?
when u do something do you ask yourself why you r doing it?.is the first thing that comes to your mind the feeling of gaining something or does it stay neutral...everybody absolutely everybody if they ever r seen doin something for some1 else remember there is always a gain it the most self less thing imaginable..
i wont justify myself.. you can do that well enough...think of the most selfless thing you have ever done..n think about wat was running through your head at those momments...if ur plan was simply and only to help as most of you would say at the momment must av atleast thought this particular thing "someday when i need help that person is sure to b there"...didnt you???
as far as i have seen only animals r capable of such wonderous selfless ness...they r there when u need them can go n sit with them for hours n they will never leave your side..n they never ask for nething on your part..if you pat tem they r happy enough if you dont it doesnt mean that they will run away...these selfless creatures, they dont possess the brain or might of humans.. no dreams no colours...but god sent them to teach us love...such that we never forget how these creatures are to you no matter how u treat them ..if you call them they will always u remember hitting your dog...then do you remember how when u needed him in the dark he was there in a flash...
i know i have it in me to be like this(SOMEDAY) give with no gain in mind.. to b true to be simple.. to never have a hidden face.. no facade, no show,no expectations...simple shades of grey..but still every1 makes mistakes...every one is selfish..
can we with our complicated multilayered brains ever be like that?...can we ever learn to love n care so selflessly that people just cant help but want us around?..
no matter how beaten u r..always b the shoulder..
no matter how hungry you are ,..always share the last loaf..
no matter if no1 listens to you..always b the ears n heart they want you to b
....if no1 ever understand you...never missunderstand them...
dream about it..cuz thats the last straw to a complete life..the last piece to life's puzzel...
life aint complete untill uv given..."THE FINAL SACRIFICE"..

luv n luck

Friday, January 15, 2010

2005-6 The Sound Of My Tear

//this post cant b was a long time ago dat i had written this its long past gone forever...

The sounds of my tears and silent as they are,
Will never reach you for you have now gone so far.
That was just written on a piece of paper,
and what's in my heart is now just a whisper.
I know you cant hear it though it screams out aloud,
As loud as the thunder in the rain filled cloud.
I know you cant hear it as its deep in my heart,
Only my tears speak as our ways now part.
The sounds of my tears are hidden in my smile,
Which now is the only thing I show when we speak awhile.
You tell me all about her and think that I enjoy,
But how would u know that it would just destroy;
The little hope left in me the you would come to know,
And that my love somehow to you I’d be able to show.
To you I act a friend but I know I feel much more,
And now my heart is dying and you are helping it turn sore.
Why don’t you hear the sounds of my tears
they would tell you how much you’ve become to me in these few years.
How will you ever come to know coz you cannot hear
The whisper of my heart the sound of my tear.

self composed

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13 jan 2010

here's to all the ones who just cant concentrate in class....
top 10 things we do t pass our time..
10. Jabber
8. Desk Art
7. Play snake on d phone
6. Make Crazy noises
5. Stare at the teacher so that no matter what, atleast they think u r listening
4. Wear spectacles t b able t sleep
3. Thumb Fight
2. Concentrate hard enough that u dont understand a word
1. Check the watch every min and wait desperately for the lecture t get over...

hi5 t all..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

3rd jan 2010

ok so we r now in the new year...
our minds, diarys full of new years resolutions...
a few trying to say dat i resolve to follow m resolutions ets...nice n fun..
but this blog aint about new year or about's the story
well just yeasterday i went t watch 3 idiots... a supposed engineers story..
ask ne1 around you all say its a "must watch".. majority find it funny, hillarious n a mazing
have you ever tried to look through the clouds of humor n music to the actual stor hidden beneath it..
i dont know how many of u out there have my mind set but i dont thing i can watch the movie again..
for me the movie was heart touching.. not in the least was more of a lesson than a comedy...u migt remember amirkhan and all the things he did.
do u remember the guy named JOY???
JOY was the only part of the movie i remember..all else is just fog to me..
the way that project of his...his surprise to b reaches his window n only to find he can never use it...
just a request to all who decide to do such a thing to demselves..try to think before u act..
thing of all the people who really matter...u not graduating may make them feel horrid for a few days or maybe a few years but all bad things come to an end...sadness is always followed by happiness...everything that has a begining has an end..
please live on for the greater good..if not for others please live for urself..
there is always some1 who needs you
if not now te definately some day...but uv gotta b there to meet them...n uve gotta survive to bring them n urselves the complete happiness sought..