Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Thursday, April 15, 2010

15 april 2010

I had this misunderstanding with a friend where I blamed them for something they didn’t do..when I was confronted the disappointment was so apparent on their face ..then comes the creeping sensation that how could you have ever thought so??!! But what if you just culdnt help it! I mean I was sad and extremely angry as to how I could be a subject to this…then comes the thought WHY ME?!
Why does everything have to happen to me…why am I always lost and alone in this world…why am I always blamed, or ashamed, or sorry, or sad, or angry, or confused about everything??...why cant things just be black n white…why so many shades of grey?? Why cant we understand and believe and trust and rely on ppl..why are we so vulnerable and so scared of all the things around us…
Seriously its something I just cant answer.. wherever I go whatever I do, something or the other always gets in my way… I always have something to feel bad about, something that hurts me, or something by which I hurt others…is life only about this?? Why are these the only memories that remain, do you remember the last time you laughed out loud the hardest…but I know you’ll remember when you were hurt by a friend..or when you were embarrassed in front of a crowd…why do we only remember the bad times..isnt life supposed to be about both the good and the bad??...I accept the bad, always have always will, but why is it that the goodness seems to be so short lived? Or is it just our way of thinking?
WHY ME is a question asked by many and understood by some..heard the story of the person who won loads of medals and was really famous, but then had a life threatening disease..ppl asked whether that person ever thought why me, reply was….when I won all those medals and when I got al the fame and love of my fans I never asked why me…den why should I now….
Yeah yeah really inspirational…but seriously its just a story…something to get you going in tough situations something to make you believe in yourself, but come on…don’t you ever wonder WHY ME?? I don’t know why me I don’t know why you, im as lost a soul as any person on this planet (or beyond)…I just believe, I carry hope around me al the time…I hope things will get better, I hope ppl will change, I hope ill have a better life…but hope is all you have isn’t it…and ofcourse your own hard work will definitely get you through…truly speaking even though I have all this to support me I still think why me… I really cant help it but im as human, as sane, as modest, as spoilt, as anything as you are…the only thing I think is different is that I believe in positivity, call me an optimist or maybe a dreamer, but what I dream gives me the courage to get past my phases of the “WHY ME”‘s which im guessing most ppl stay sour on for a very long time..
I say move on…you’ll have plenty of chances to say why me again…atleast go out there and find them..or better yet go out there and try to turn the straw into gold…have hope and trust yourself…this life isnt too bad…its rather all you’ve is to
Live it Love it
It’s a once in a lifetime chance….

1 comment:

  1. i don't think its always that bad.. rather,.. despite many and varied issues and problems,.. problems of such nature that cant be helped,.. problems that u can pour out on friends and they help, problems that u pour out but they have no solutions,.. and problems that u cant divulge on other souls leaving u lonely, isolated,.. despite many and varied problems,.. there is a wonderful life we shud b happy about,.. try being normal wd such problems,.. for they are nothing but a test of life...
    u cant avoid them... apart u can strive to be living happily ed such falterings in your life..
    there is an incident i encountered of deaf n dumb boys and girls... its der on this blog check out .. under the name of mute ecstasy.
