Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

27 April 2010

Oh my goodness!!!.... im so tired.. tired of this whirlpool of human emotions. Im actually having a headache. These emotions sometimes go into an overdrive..Gawsh.. how can on small little body that wont be more than a speck on earth hold so much within themselves, every moment a different feeling, locked in itself. So difficult, gawsh so tiring. How does one manage it.... but we are made to, made for and made with all these series of emotions, expressions, feelings, and god knows what inside us.
How does one do it....
to be euphoric and manage to cry at the same time,
feel so lost but still hold their heads together,
be completely directionless but still have hope burning that they’ll get through….

List down those emotions??

You must be kidding…k lemme try… there’s “happy” , “sad”, “angry”, “hurt”, “optimistic”, “racial”, “hopeful”, “energetic”, “lazy”, “passionate”, “thoughtful”, “bored”, “brilliant”, “dreamer”, “soft”, “sentimental”, “sensual”, “sorry”, “rage”, “grateful”, “graceful”, “confident”, “lost”….

I almost forgot.. “tired”, “frustrated”, “devastated”, “lonely”, “betrayed”, “jealous”…being some of the ones we are actually “afraid” to be..i cant go on, really, to jot down emotions not possible, cuz there r those that we can only feel but cant express..each day a new experience, each second a new emotion attached to it…how can one simple body, one simple soul feel so much??...its an “ajooba” in my language…
Its really fascinating ..the “rush” I get when I write my blogs and hit publish…the “expectations” of comments and at times the “disappointments” when I don’t get any, then the renewed “hope” dat maybe next time my blog will be better…lolzz

The fun in meeting new people, their expressions of “friendship”, “over confidence” or just plain being “awestruck”… oh so many many many emotions….tooo “tiring”. My mind needs rest, still im feeling something..aah the inclination towards the emotion of “laziness”…gawsh…
But I guess that’s what makes us so special, so unique, so perfect….
These oh so tiring emotions…


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20 april 2010

Like a phoenix she arose form the ashes,
spread her wings far and wide and flew to reach for the stars…
That’s how each woman is…they fall; they crumble, they shatter, and are broken and then, they rise again… rise with such grace, such valor, such beauty, such strength that everything around her looks upon her astonished, with eyes streaming with tears and hearts full of love and proud-ness for the soul that went through it all and burst out of its shell like a pearl…

A proverb says that a woman is like a bag of tea leaves… you can only see her strength when you put her into boiling water.
A woman can be as mild as a bunny, and as sharp as a shark…
As warm as hot chocolate, as cold as an ice berg,
As refreshing as a cool breeze, as frustrating as a hot and humid day..
As fiery as a dragon, as exquisite as rareness…
You’ll never b able to tell, if she doesn’t want you to know.

Opera Winfrey said- “Be a Queen”…
Every woman is a queen, she may be dusty, or unsharpened, but every woman is a diamond, a jewel so rare that at times you may not understand the worth of what you are holding until you’ve lost it… suggestion: don’t loose it, don’t loose her..
She doesn’t need you as much as you need her, still she show’s you how much she needs you so that you feel worthy, but still then you misuse her, mistrust her, hurt her, even break her… but know this, she gave you her world to make yours complete and once she’s got her back straight you’ll never have her again…
Never to hold, never to break, never to hurt, never again to love
Her world was complete even when you were not around, she had her parents to love, her siblings to care for…she needs very little to add to her completeness, but you, you need herto fill that big void, she brings the color, the vigor, the beauty into your life… without her this world is incomplete…
Those beautiful eyes, that reflect only you in them, that enchanting soul that you can feel you own, those shining hair, the desirous lips, the glory, the brightness, the glow, the ultimate light….if yours you cannot need anymore…
If you have her, if you dare to own her heart, believe that she WILL be with you through ALL… Trust her, love her, believe in her, stick up for her, hold her, protect her, and this gem will be stronger than a bullet and shall pierce the shields of your enemies, she will be your strength. The only part of you that shall never bend, never break…
If she loves you she will protect you so fiercely that “they” will see the glow of fire in her eyes, the spikes in her hands, the blade in her chest to rip them apart if ever they dare hurt you….

She’s all that you’ll ever need, ever want, ever be complete with…

She is a WOMAN…


Thursday, April 15, 2010

15 april 2010

I had this misunderstanding with a friend where I blamed them for something they didn’t do..when I was confronted the disappointment was so apparent on their face ..then comes the creeping sensation that how could you have ever thought so??!! But what if you just culdnt help it! I mean I was sad and extremely angry as to how I could be a subject to this…then comes the thought WHY ME?!
Why does everything have to happen to me…why am I always lost and alone in this world…why am I always blamed, or ashamed, or sorry, or sad, or angry, or confused about everything??...why cant things just be black n white…why so many shades of grey?? Why cant we understand and believe and trust and rely on ppl..why are we so vulnerable and so scared of all the things around us…
Seriously its something I just cant answer.. wherever I go whatever I do, something or the other always gets in my way… I always have something to feel bad about, something that hurts me, or something by which I hurt others…is life only about this?? Why are these the only memories that remain, do you remember the last time you laughed out loud the hardest…but I know you’ll remember when you were hurt by a friend..or when you were embarrassed in front of a crowd…why do we only remember the bad times..isnt life supposed to be about both the good and the bad??...I accept the bad, always have always will, but why is it that the goodness seems to be so short lived? Or is it just our way of thinking?
WHY ME is a question asked by many and understood by some..heard the story of the person who won loads of medals and was really famous, but then had a life threatening disease..ppl asked whether that person ever thought why me, reply was….when I won all those medals and when I got al the fame and love of my fans I never asked why me…den why should I now….
Yeah yeah really inspirational…but seriously its just a story…something to get you going in tough situations something to make you believe in yourself, but come on…don’t you ever wonder WHY ME?? I don’t know why me I don’t know why you, im as lost a soul as any person on this planet (or beyond)…I just believe, I carry hope around me al the time…I hope things will get better, I hope ppl will change, I hope ill have a better life…but hope is all you have isn’t it…and ofcourse your own hard work will definitely get you through…truly speaking even though I have all this to support me I still think why me… I really cant help it but im as human, as sane, as modest, as spoilt, as anything as you are…the only thing I think is different is that I believe in positivity, call me an optimist or maybe a dreamer, but what I dream gives me the courage to get past my phases of the “WHY ME”‘s which im guessing most ppl stay sour on for a very long time..
I say move on…you’ll have plenty of chances to say why me again…atleast go out there and find them..or better yet go out there and try to turn the straw into gold…have hope and trust yourself…this life isnt too bad…its rather all you’ve is to
Live it Love it
It’s a once in a lifetime chance….

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

14 april 2010

i wrote this yesterday...but posting it today...

Nothing on this planet is perfect, every thing is a big chunk of chaos…but m not talkin of the world or the things that we cannot control…im talkin of you..
Don’t we all reach out for perfection??, the perfect life, the perfect job, salary, car house, the perfect clothes, shoes, nails…everything should be oh so perfect…that’s what we want don’t we…always praying hoping and reaching out for the perfect….everything
But here’s an insight you might wanna look through..
Ever thought of how all this can actually be achieved???
They say open up your minds…ill say dat too but in a slightly different way…open up you minds and hearts to changes…bring out the change into yourself...make yourself perfect and you’ll surely se the other things fall into perfect place..
Work toward a perfect mind…
What would that have???hmmmm…
A perfect combination of white and grey matter?? Or maybe perfect blend of neuron action??...i think more that that it would be…
Perfect thoughts, perfect speech, perfect gestures, perfect nature, perfect sense of humor...and all the intellectual perfection that we look for in others…if we are able to inculcate that within our own minds and hearts den we become perfect…its tough I know…but you already know the gains…
If the mind works towards this perfection everythin will end up perfect… perfect health, perfect friends, perfect relationships…and all this is needed for the perfect world….
If you are perfect, everything around you shall be perfect…every thought every deed every dream…PERFECT..


Sunday, April 4, 2010

4th april 2010

Our rights with friends:

We all have the right and the privilege to av friends. We can choose our friends based on our own likes and dislikes. We don’t have to like the same ppl every1 else likes or not like sum1 cuz they aren’t in our “group”.
Friendship is a personal thing.
We can ask from our friends that they be trustworthy. If we share something with them and ask them not to tell every1, we can expect that they will keep it just between us. We will give them the same right. If they don’t, they have betrayed our trust and our friendship.
Its ok to be honest wid our friends. If they do something that hurts us or concerns us, we can talk to them about it. We will be open to their being honest also. This doesn’t mean its ok to be mean to each other, just that we can talk honestly about our feelings.
We have the right to be respected for the decisions we make. Some of our friends may not understand the choices we make, but they r “our choices”. In return, we take responsibility for them.

Our rights with parents and other adults:

We have the right to have our feelings respected and not compared to the feelings of puppies… or any other put downs. Our feelings are strong and sometimes confusing. It helps if you take our feelings seriously and listen to us before disregarding them.
We feel we have the right to make decisions (some, not all) for ourselves. If we make mistakes we learn from them, but its time for us to be more responsible.
Whenever possible exclude us from your fights. We understand that fighting is part of every relationship, but its painful for us to be involved. Don’t put us in the middle of ANY problem you have with each other.
We agree to treat you with respect and ask that you respect us in return. This includes respecting our privacy.

Our rights with everyone:

We have the right to be loved unconditionally and our goal is to love you the same. We have the right to speak our minds, feel our feelings, and strive for our dreams. Please support us by believing in us rather than fearing for us…