Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

24th 2010

firstly read the thought of the week...cuz thats for all the ppl out there...

its been a long time since iv written anything

well i have a life outside this network also

its been really busy n all..but yeah today m bored...and (i wont mention the rest)

why is it that masterpieces are always created from a broken heart...or a sad heart??...why is it that people just cant be happy with what they have? why do we always expect so much from the people we love?..or is it just me?..if things dont turn out the way you wanted them to, you could hate yourself for ever having expected anything..its true and i really dont know why people expect anything in the first place anyway...

well i guess maybe because they have given their heart to such an extent that the think dat they do deserve somethin back..but when you dont, does it mean that you stop giving??..could it be that the thought could have just slipped and they didnt known what was to be done ??.. or was it that you r just not important enough...well what i wanna believe n what i believe when im hurt, r and will always b, different..the truth is even the smallest deed is always ALWAYS just may not be then or at that may be later at some point of time when you really need it.. i believe that no1 should be alone..and in the end no matter what happens or doesnt happen with you atleast you can thank god that you are not alone..and you still have people around who support you if not love you the way you love n care about them..atleast they are there..and i believe you should be realy greatful for that..

out of all the people in this world atleast you wernt left all by yourself and he made someone out there for you..

have you ever thought of it in this way that lifes always a bunch or hurdles, experiences, lessons??maybe your so special that god actualy blessed you with special attention??he gave you everythin, but hidden in really tough lessons and choices...cuz he actually believes in you..ever thought of these hurdles??how they might just come handy when you grow up and have to face some really tough situations??..the way when you've faced something already and suddenly that happens again,dont you know exactly how to react in that situation...i guess thats how you should take life cuz, its just too short to fret about small little "stupid" things like this..expectations huh...every1 has them and most of the time the r broken so just grow up and rather become that person who ppl expect stuff from..beome strong n selfless...learn to live, cuz in the end

he believes in you..

and you should believe in yourself, believe in your worth...

believe that in the end all you do is between you and god...

it was never between you and them anyway:)

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