Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

25 Feb 2015

Why oh why do you trust them so soon
Like a traveller in a desert drinking from a lagoon
You let go so quickly and let them come through
The lights in your courtyard forest green and blinding blue
You drop your walls like there were none
The chains the locks so quickly undone
The towers the chambers the dungeons the cellars
The places you hid from the building tremors
Vanished as you let them, let all of them in
Blown away like smoke, by the silent wind
Why oh why do you trust them so soon
Like a traveller in a desert drinking from a lagoon
Don't you know how the last war was lost
Have you forgotten how it left you and your past
Remember again why you put up those towers
Remember again the demise of all your powers
To pick up the pieces and join them again you hid
And again now the key to your door from your hands it slid
Once inside they have the power they have the might
To tear and break and shatter you from inside
Why oh why do you trust them so soon
Like a traveller in a desert drinking from a lagoon
Now it's done and destroyed and shattered and broken
No spells can keep out what into your doors you've taken
Now hope now pray that you made the right choice
Is it your joy or agony that makes them rejoice
You shouldn't have trusted in them so soon
Like that traveller who realised he can't drink from a lagoon
Like the traveller who sat thirsty for he let the joy in too soon.


Friday, February 20, 2015

My Prison My Escape 21 Feb 2015 11:46 am

What limits me will set me free
What breaks me will truly make me see
What hurts always mends better
The release you feel when you burnt that letter
A sad movie when you feel low
The tears fall and release the sorrow
The tiring climb to the highest peak
When you reach the top and feel the peace you seek
A book you never read opened when you're numb
Fall into the valley of feelings you thought would never come
My body so frail so limiting so dim
my spirit my soul it protects within
The smile that hides my feelings inside
It makes the world around me bigger and more bright
My mind my unconscious for granted I take
My body my soul my prison my escape.

Love and Luck


You. 20 Feb 2015 6:52 pm

Dear You,

I am not yet old and I'm not yet grey
But I have come a long long way
I have been in so many roles that when I look back today
I know enough to know I can say
There will be highs
there will be lows
Just as there are beauties
There will be sores
Every moment you live
You create a story to tell
Every moment you sulk
you're only increasing the bulk
Of the weight of the world
That wasn't yours to bear
Of the weight of the ones
Who never for you did care
For whom you were just a game
A trial and error platform
Whom you let in
Whom you trusted too soon
Then there will be the ones
In the shadows they lurk
You have never seen them
You are unconscious to their worth.
Then there will be ones
Who light up your days
Don't forget that you are giving them
The power to darken your ways
People may play an important part
there's a chance
But that they are most important
should be proclaimed a farce
I want to tell you
Who will be true
Who oh who
Will always see you through
Who would hold you
When none else cares
Who will sing more joyously for you
When you yourself wouldn't dare
Who is strong when you are low
Who loves you every step of the way
Who will never give up on you
Who will never betray
Who will not leave you
No matter how much you shun them away
The one bright light
To be by your side
The one silver lining
In the coldest darkest night
I know you're smart
And know what I'm getting too
Yes this one
This one person is "You"

Be kind be strong be wonderful be bright
Be what you wanted them to be
Be Your own delight
Know today you will always have you
You will be the only one who will always see yourself through.

Love and luck
- Me.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A letter to my Friend. 20 Feb 2015

Dearest Friend,

I am writing this letter to you to tell you a little more about me. I am doing this because once I count you as my friend I give you the power to make me or break me. I let my walls come down and once that happens, once I let you into the room that's in the deepest corner of the longest corridor of my mind, I become vulnerable. In that room I am the truest of me. In that room there are no double meanings, no hidden motives, no drama just me.
Once you are in my room know that I have put you on a pedestal and you have a halo on your head. I try not to expect anything from you, but I will always expect to be as important to you as you are to me, I want you to treat me as I treat you. Be true as I am true. I don't believe in gifts, I believe in the intention. I you have the same feeling for me in your heart as I do for you, I will know, and no amounts of gifts can buy me compared to a warm hand and a kind word when I desperately need it. I will always know when you are low, I will scold you for not being good to yourself, but know that I'm only being my truest self to you.
I dont expect you to respond to my every whim and fancy but I do expect you to fulfill your dreams. I want you to be strong and beautiful and wonderful. I want you to prove to me every second of every day that you should be my friend, not by doing things for me, but by building yourself, living for yourself and glowing brighter everyday. I want to feel proud to call you my friend. I want you to push yourself to such an extent that even I cannot catch up. And believe me I will match your passion every step of the way. But only if you do.
Be an inspiration to me, become my mentor, be wonderful, be true be the most beautiful you.

If you can then I will.

 Love and Luck