Thought for the week..

Happiness comes in many forms -- in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else's dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It's okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.

-one tree hill

Saturday, December 20, 2014

20 Dec 2014

I am so fed up with the way you treat me,
So fed up with what you think I need to be,
I am so fed up I don't feel like me,
So fed up so fed up I think now I need to leave.

You want me here and there and then here again,
Then move and push and shove and back there,
The jump and pop and over and under,
Oh! I am tired of being lost in this fair.

The light is there, right there I see it,
And then you step in and I lose sight,
The light the smallest glimpse I had got,
It was like you stomped the small ray of hope I sought.

Should I look down, give up and leave?
Or should I look beyond you and find the light I seek?
I move you away and step out of your shadow,
I move out of the darkness of this burden, into the halo.

Out of the door, through the forest and ahead,
It flickers a little and suddenly bursts forth.
Leading me onto and further to I know not where,
The clearing beyond it, at it I now stare.

On the edge of a cliff I stand at last,
The light goes on beyond without a care,
I again feel the darkness encompassing around,
Wanting to suffocate me, but I chose not to drown.

I lift my arms, feel the air blow by me
As I take the step, the leap to follow the light on.
And now as I let the light surround me, I'll finally be free.
I will get to find my serenity.


Monday, February 24, 2014


Ok, so I was rummaging through my old stuff and found an old diary and this poem that I had forgotten I had written...:P

Life is a Fantasy,
So full of reality.
You'll never know when
You are pinched awake.
You'll land on soft moss,
Everything's fine.
Then you'll realise
You are actually dying.
You'll stand after an accident,
To look all around,
Checking if all of you is safe and sound.
Just to realise you never got up from that ground.
You'll see the shimmering stars, 
All pouring down their light.
And then the clouds will suddenly burst,
Come and deluge with all their might.
You'll go into the garden,
And see the beauty you surround.
Only to have chasing after you,
A swarm of honey bee hounds.
Nothing will be perfect,
Nothing will go right.
Nothing will happen my way,
That is my daily plight.

a few modifications have been made here and there..:)
